Naples, Florida, with its elegant atmosphere and unique style of seaside cities, is a charming resort. Naples is famous for its soft white sand beaches, excellent golf courses, various water sports, artist's atmosphere and beautiful sunset. 美国佛罗里达州—那不勒斯(Naples),优雅的气息与海滨城市的独特风情,一座充满魅力度假胜地。那不勒斯以其柔软的细白沙滩,优良的高球场,各种水上运动,艺术家的气息与壮美的日落而出名。
ParadiseCoast is at first sight. The downtown pedestrian path is full of shops, galleries and a wide variety of restaurants. The tropical luxury residence makes the city like a natural picture. 天堂海令人一见倾心,市中心的步行道上遍布着琳琅满目的商店,画廊与种类繁多的餐厅,热带风情的豪华住宅令城市犹如一幅天然的画卷。 The case is located at the seaside villa in Naples and was designed by the highly prestigious local design company, Archivity Lotus. Bernardt, an American brand, offers a luxurious and charming modern look in this luxurious villa with elegant and comfortable elements.
In the villa, the huge glass windows will be all natural colors. Earth color, brown, blue-these natural colors are used in furniture decoration, and naturally integrate the inner and outer spaces. 别墅中,硕大的玻璃窗将自然之色尽收其中。大地色、棕色、蓝色 ——这些属于自然的颜色被运用到家具装饰中中,浑然天成地让内外空间融为一体。
Step into it, the first thing to see is the blue and white ocean tone, swaying palm trees set the unique characteristics of the coastal atmosphere. The swimming pool is a standard match for each villa. With the rattan furniture on the terrace, it is very relaxing. 步入其中,映入眼帘的首先是蓝白相间的海洋色调,风中摇曳的棕榈树定格了海岸气息独有的特色。泳池是每一栋别墅的标配,搭配上露台边的藤编家具,极富度假休闲感。
Living Room 客 厅
Blue and white are popular in holiday cities on the coastline, and Bernhardt's Oval coffee table combines changes in light and shadow. 蓝白色的搭配在海岸线上的度假城市甚是流行,Bernhardt椭圆形的咖啡桌融合了光与影的变幻。
Compared to the main and guest body, the other living room is a lot of pleasant, bright texture soft bag sofa and pillow embellishment, with the sofa in the living room folded armrest, a diffuse atmosphere naturally spread. 相较于主客厅,偏厅的搭配要俏皮许多,明艳纹理的软包沙发与抱枕点缀,搭配上客厅中褶皱扶手的沙发,一片烂漫气息自然地蔓延开来。
Dining Room 餐 厅
The lines of the dining tables and chairs here are geometric and exaggerated. They are separated from the thick and heavy feeling of the city and are coastal. 这里的餐桌与餐椅的线条都呈几何样式且较为夸张,脱离都市喧嚣的厚重感,一派沿海气息。
Bedroom 卧 室
Bedroom furniture uses a lot of modern silver metallic elements. The polished stainless steel, concise lines drawn out of the outline of the bed, and the warmth brought by the velvet cloth art in contrast. 卧室家具选用大量蕴含现代感的银色金属元素。抛亮的不锈钢,简练线条绘制出床体的轮廓,又与绒面布艺所带来的暖感行成对比。
The Salon series's side cabinets, their milky white paint, and seashell-style cabinet doors are all merging with such a coastal city. Salon系列的边柜,其奶白色的涂装,贝壳式样的柜门都在与这样一座沿海气息的城市互为融合。
Home Office 书房
The study has a wide field of vision. The designer selected a lot of gold elements, such as the DORWIN chair, the elegant shape and proportion of the JET SET side chair, making the book more free and romantic. Two chairs, a side seat, a place to talk or read at ease. 书房视野十分开阔。设计师选用了不少金色元素,例如DORWIN椅,JET SET边椅优雅的造型和比例,让书香中多了几分自由与浪漫。两张椅子,一张边几,在这里待客交谈或休憩阅读皆是安逸之选。
Naples, sunshine and sand. 那不勒斯,唯阳光与沙滩不可辜负, 漫步其中,感受自然休闲的生活逸趣.
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